Party Bouquet
The perfect floral accessory for anyone who wants to steal the show without upstaging the couple. A petite bouquet that mimics the design of the statement bouquet. Multiples are designed with their unique composition; no one likes a copy paste moment.
finished in ribbon, cute!
packaged in vases for transport
Available as an ADD-ON to an elopement package ONLY. Available for Denver pick up only.
The perfect floral accessory for anyone who wants to steal the show without upstaging the couple. A petite bouquet that mimics the design of the statement bouquet. Multiples are designed with their unique composition; no one likes a copy paste moment.
finished in ribbon, cute!
packaged in vases for transport
Available as an ADD-ON to an elopement package ONLY. Available for Denver pick up only.
The perfect floral accessory for anyone who wants to steal the show without upstaging the couple. A petite bouquet that mimics the design of the statement bouquet. Multiples are designed with their unique composition; no one likes a copy paste moment.
finished in ribbon, cute!
packaged in vases for transport
Available as an ADD-ON to an elopement package ONLY. Available for Denver pick up only.